Kerry's Cake

Kerry's Cake
Pretty pink flowers

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Triathlon Cake for Liz!

I had a 2 cake order after my cakes were seen on my facebook page!  This cake was made for a friend whom both Jamie and I have worked with in the past.  We also stay at her holiday home in Sidmouth from time to time so I wanted to make a really good job for her!
Linda's daughter had recently completed a triathlon so the obvious choice of cake was to show all of these events on one cake!
I made 2 round sponge cakes (1 smaller to sit on top of the larger) sandwiched with buttercream and covered with white fondant as a base.  Before I started with the fun part, I put a thin layer of blue for the sky then added various shades of green to give the impression of hills using texture and colour.  Once I had my base I added trees, I added the road then made spectators!  Finally I made models of a swimmer, the bike and rider then finally the runner heading towards the finish line!
The water effect on the top was blue royal icing left to set slightly then swirling in white royal icing just before it had set.  I'm really pleased with the results and hope Linda will be too!!!

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