Kerry's Cake

Kerry's Cake
Pretty pink flowers

Saturday 27 August 2011

spilt cocktail engagement cake!

This cake order came after I placed a flyer in one of my local shop windows in Halstead.  I received a phone call on the Wednesday evening asking if it would be possible to do a cake for the coming weekend. 
The girls were having an engagement party and had a 1920's black and pink theme!  They wanted cocktail glasses and asked if it would be possible to have one of them spilling their names onto the cake - so that's what I did!!!
The cake was a 3 layer rectangle sponge coloured pink (as requested!) with pink buttercream.  I used a layer of pink fondant then finally a thin layer of black for the top.  I pressed fondant into the spilt glass to give the effect of liquid spilling then rolled fondant to make the names.  Cake completed & delivered saturday morning - the girls loved it!x

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